Friday, January 5, 2007

Attention Mac Users:

Don't change the name of your directory, it'll scare the shit out of you. I thought i lost all my music/files/settings when really I just changed my Directory name. wow.

Another thing that really sucks is this:


TICKETS ARE NON-TRANSFERABLE. The ticket purchaser must enter
the venue. Copies of ID, Credit Card or Confirmation email
WILL NOT be accepted for entry. Only complete parties will be
admitted. No exceptions. Please DO NOT buy tickets on eBay,
Craig's List, etc. YOU WILL NOT BE ADMITTED!

I should have gotten up at 9. shit.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Fall Break

I forgot the password to my blogspot because I only update like once a semester, maybe I'll remember this one. I also lost my cell phone in Ithaca, which makes my life annoyingly difficult.

Fall semester went really well; I liked all my classes and I had a lot of good experiences. Next semester is going to be a lot more challenging. I'm taking more credits and more difficult classes but I'm sure it will be equally as fun. I'm skipping all the details about classes, friends, parties, activities, crazy happenings, clubs, etc. I'll keep it simple and say (again) that college is awesome.

This New Years I went to New York City with some friends. I stayed at Danielle's suite at NYU. The weekend ended up being packed with craziness and fun times.

Ryan and I were walking around Manhattan Saturday night looking for something to do. I wanted to see Spoon at Webster Hall but it was sold out. I was trying to find someone with tickets to sell me for cheap. About to give up, a 30-something posh lady came up to me and offered me two tickets to the show. Apparently her husband loves Spoon but got really sick and couldn't make the show. She said she'd sell them to me for face value ($32/each). I'm really bad at making deals and had nothing else to do that night so I bought them. I missed the opening band but Spoon really impressed me--they're a great live band.

On New Years I decided to ditch my friends and venture into the city by myself. Mates of State were playing the Knitting Factory at 11:30; I got at the show around 10:45 and it was completely sold out. I stood outside for about 20 minutes looking for tickets and couldn't find anybody. So then I hung out by the ticket booth hoping that someone would magically have tickets for me. After about another half hour the security guard asked me what i was waiting for. I said I was just trying to find tickets. The guard then told me to go home because it sold out a while ago. I didn't go; I just kept hanging out by the ticket booth. It was 11:30 and I wasn't about to stay next to a ticket booth for New Years. I was on my way out when the guard yelled for me and gestured for me to come closer. The guard must've been in a New Years spirit because she stamped my hand and told me to get in the show. I squirmed my way to the front and celebrated New Years with Mates of State and three hundred other people. After the show I asked a guy outside--Michael from Manhattan--if i could use his phone to call a friend (tamar) to see where she was. He emphatically agreed and then talked to me about random Shakespeare and venerable Blues verses he really liked. I think Mike was a little drunk but he nevertheless helped me out a lot with directions. Tamar was on the Upper West Side at a friend's apartment. I somehow successfully found the apartment but it was locked. An old yuppie dude walked passed me and opened the door with a key and I followed him. He said, "What are you doing?" I just told him I was seeing my friend tamar. He said, "you're gonna have to have somebody ring you in" and then closed the second glass door behind him. There were about 100 different names to ring and I had no idea what the last name of tamar's friend was. I buzzed a bunch of random names and nobody replied. The elevator opened and two girls who looked like they were my age opened the glass door. I asked them if they knew tamar and then the girl said, "yeah, actually, I just came from the party...wait, are you Bobby?" So I got into the apartment and hung out with tamar and her friends for a few hours--really cool kids, by the way. I left the party at around 4:30 and took the subway back to uptown. Tamar wrote directions on a paper for me so it would be easy for me to get back. I got off where I was supposed to and transferred to where I thought I was supposed to, haha. I ended up going 20 blocks in the wrong direction. Eventually I got to my stop and was ready to go back to the dorm. It started to rain and I realized I forgot the address of the dorm. I literally ran around Manhattan asking random people where they thought it might be and (after an hour) found the dorm. I get to the dorm and the NYU guard would not sign me in because no students were with me. I didn't have a phone so they told me to use the pay phone across the street to call up to the suite to get someone to sign me in. I walked across the street in the rain and put a dollar in quarters into the phone and I got the machine: no answer. Searching my pockets for more change and getting wetter by the minute, I turn behind me and see two intimidating burly dudes beating the crap out of some poor skinny guy. I didn't think it would be good if I stood and gawked at them so I ran across the street to the dorm. The guard unsympathetically didn't care about my story and just told me that I’m "fucked" if I can't get someone to sign me in. After an hour of persuasion the guard agreed to coming with me to danielle's room and get her to sign me in. thirteen floors and five rings later I was signed in and miraculously safe and alive.

It's 2007, baby.

I got offered an internship in Baltimore for the Vegetarian Journal, I'm not sure yet if I'm gonna do it--how exciting can Baltimore be?

Visiting the city is always a fun time but I need my trees, trails, and open spaces.

Nothing else is new. I hope to spend the rest of break riding, running, and relaxing. I'm going to school a few days early for polar plunge (group community service). Too much has happened in the past three months, it's scary. I don't have the time nor the patience to write in this frequently. It’s 4:22… I need to sleep. I think my resolution this year is to accustom myself to more natural and regular sleeping patterns. I’ll star tomorrow night…