Thursday, February 8, 2007

Lost Cell Phone...Again

So as some of you know, I lost my cell phone before winter break. Last week a friend of mine gave me his old phone for free--I was pretty pumped about it. Today killed all my excitement.

I had an RA interview ar 3 o'clock and an interview at the Sciencenter at 4 o' clock. I got out of the RA interview at 3:45, then literally ran to the Park School and caught the bus to the Commons. I got to the Commons at exactly 4. I hurridly ran around Ithaca trying to find the Sciencenter. I called Greg because I left the directions in my dorm. He told me where to go and I found the street. I called him back when I was on the street to verify the address. As soon as I got off the phone with Greg I bolted down the street. I got the Sciencenter--which is, for those of you who don't know, a learning center for children that has hands-on science programs and workshops, Bill Nye The Science Guy chills there sometimes, no joke--and had my interview. I went to check the time on my phone when I realized my phone wasn't in my jacket. I then went up and down the street for over an hour in the frigid cold looking for my phone, my efforts were fruitless. I got on the bus back to campus and tried to make the best out of the situation. I mean, at least I don't have to ignore calls now. Not like I have to do that a lot the way it is, I'm a dick, I know.

I get back to my dorm and J comes out of his room and says, "hey, Bobby, did you lose your phone?" I said, uh, yeah, how the hell did you know that? "I called it and some lady said her 8-year-old son's friend was bragging about how lucky he was for finding a cell phone, she took it off him. I'm going to pick it up tomorrow. I'm going to strap the phone to my fucking body from now on.

Life is good otherwise. I went to DC for a protest a few weeks ago and I'll hopefully be going to Milwaukee in March for a Amnesty Internaional Conference. I'm going to be in Baltimore all summer working for the Vegetarian Journal. Check them out!

Tomorrow is the Amnesty party, should be a lot of fun. I hope I go to sleep tonight; I have so much work ahead of me. I'm not complaining, though. Everyone has work, it's college.
