Thursday, April 12, 2007

Next Month I'll be Kickin' with Colbert

I just found out the first event of my internship. It's the Book Expo 2007 in NYC. The Vegetarian Journal has a booth at the event and I'm going to be in the industry section tabling for The Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG). The best part of this event is the ridiculously iconic cast of speakers. Check out this description:

The former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, Dr. Alan Greenspan, will kick off BookExpo America's author events in a unique and special way by appearing as BEA's Conference Keynote Speaker on Friday, June 1 at 11am. Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns, comedian Stephen Colbert, novelist Khaled Hosseini and Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus will be among the other many notable personalities who will be speaking at BEA this year. The other speakers who will be participating in BEA's Special Events programming are Alan Alda, Paulo Coelho, Paul Krugman, Ian McEwan, Rosie O'Donnell, Alice Sebold, Lisa See, Russell Simmons, and many more! Other events include Author Breakfast and Luncheons, as well as Speed Dating with Children's Authors.

It's a 3-day event and I'm not sure where I'm staying yet. A few IC kids from the city said I could stay with them, but I still have to iron out the details.

I'm going to see Colbert in person. This is pretty awesome. Seeing The Decemberists and Stephen Colbert in a two month period is pretty overwhelming for me. There's probably going to be a lot of people at this Expo, but maybe he'll come hang out in the closed Industry section and him and I can kick back and talk about how George W. is not a great President but The Greatest President.

I scheduled my classes today. I'm taking two Politics classes, two Journalism, and Arabic. Basically this means I want to work for Al Jazeera and have O'Reilly start a campaign against me.