Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Summer in Baltimore

My Baltimore Address:
514 Woodlawn Rd.
Baltimore, MD 21210

I had a tour of the office today. I have my own computer/office area/mail box--for the next six weeks at least. I’ll be doing research, writing articles, and random organizational stuff. The Vegetarian Journal has about 25,000 subscribers; in the magazine scheme of things, that’s not very many, but it's definitely a bigger readership than the 2,000 or less who read the Ithacan and Buzzsaw at Ithaca. I work everyday 9-5 with a lunch whenever. My pay comes in large sporadic sums. I got my first $500 stipend today…I wonder how long it’ll last. Charles gave me every book VRG published (15 vegan/vegetarian book) along with academic journals, children’s pamphlets, and issues of the latest Vegetarian Journal. I then got a lengthy history of the Vegetarian Resource Group followed by a verbose overview of the book and publishing industry, this was the crux: everyone who works in the industry are scums.

The place I'm staying at is really nice. It's in a section of Baltimore called Roland Park. It's pretty classy. There are two other people staying in the house with me: a girl from Elizabethtown who is doing an internship at John Hopkins and a teacher who is temporarily working in an all boys school in Baltimore. Anne Kern, the woman who owns the house, is a really friendly, laid-back artsy vegetarian who went to Art School and now just does artsy things. The boy whose room I'm staying in is a Politics/Writing major at New School in Manhattan and now, according to Anne, he is "fighting fires in Arizona to pay off student loans." His room is pretty nice. The best part: the spacious walk-on balcony connected to his room overlooking the development. The girl from Elizabethtown, the teacher, and Anne are all extremely friendly. I'm glad I got hooked up with this place.

Tomorrow I'm off to NYC for BookExpo 2007 in Manhattan. I'll be staying at Nikki’s place in Brooklyn for the weekend. Lindsey, Jess, and Taryn are coming out to the city to visit, too! I'm going to try hard to kiss some book publishers' and agents' asses and search for Stephen Colbert, of course. All right, I'm off to explore what this city has to offer.

Write to me or come visit me. I have a couch and a huge floor. You're welcome to stay here!

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