Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Week 1

My city trips never seem to fall short of absolutely crazy.

BookExpo highlights:

-I got a bunch of free unreleased books.

-I met people in the publishing industry from around the nation, maybe world, probably universe.

-I talked to an editor of The Nation and she gave me a hat and her card...hopefully she'll remember me when I apply for an internship.

-I missed Stephen Colbert's book signing. They stopped letting people in line five minutes after it opened. Instead, I creeped him for a half hour while he signed books and said the most ridiculous things to a bunch of book nerds. Then I covertly stalked him and his entourage around the Expo until he was escorted into his car.

I went to Animal Collective's free show Friday night at the South Side Seaport. I met Taryn and her friend Doug. I ended up running into Alex, Coz, Hannah, Jake, and Peto; Ithaca was definitely representing. I was more excited to see friends than Animal Collective. I never got into them and seeing them live wasn't very convincing.

Saturday night I went to a party with Jess, Lindsey, Nikki, and a few others near Williamsburg. It was what I expected: packed party with the Brooklyn assortment of hipsters. I met some cool people, though. Notably, Britney and Matt from Bushwick. They live in this awesome warehouse complex where all the apartments are spacious and have incredible views of the Brooklyn skyline. Britney helped me out a lot in the city.

I was scheduled to leave the city Sunday, but I bought a ticket to go home a day later because Mother Mother were playing in Brooklyn. To make an exceedingly epic story short, I got on the train with my backpack stuffed with clothes and a laptop, and a tote bag full of books, got confusedly lost, found my way, realized I left my cellphone on the C train, then somehow made it to Union Hall. This is the...wait, 3rd time this year I've lost my phone? I don't get it. I wasn't stressed about it, though. I figured I'd never see it again, but I didn't want it to put a damper my Mother Mother experience.

I went to the basement of Union Hall where they held the show. The doors were locked and bands were doing sound checks. The show was +21 and I obviously didn't have ID. I was hoping I could hang out outside and at least hear Mother Mother through the walls. I was down for that. After a few minutes, three girls showed up. I talked to them about being underage and hating it. I had a book expo bag with me and one of the girls not with the other two, a nice vegan girl from New Paltz, asked me if I went to the expo. She apparently is doing an internship in the city and also went to the expo. I explained to her my desperate underage situation and I could tell she kind of felt bad...she then told me she's on the Mother Mother guest list, she knows their promoter, and that she'd try to get me in for free. It worked. I got into the show for free--they never carded me.

Mother Mother were one of the most explosive and energetic bands I've ever seen live. Their ill variations and flawless improv during transitions and bridges were so well done. Ryan, the singer/guitar player, had such a charismatic stage presence, and he shredded Mother Mother songs with his classically trained chops. Debra and Molly had intoxicating and powerful voices that synced perfected together, not to mention how endearingly attractive they were in person. There wasn't a second of the show I was disappointed; I hyped them up a lot, and they still shattered my expectations. This band is going to blow up. They were mentioned in a Newsweek article last week! Canadians just know how to kill it.

Oh yeah, about my cell phone...a girl found it on the train and called my dad. She returned it to a station in Brooklyn and I think Nikki is going to pick it up and send it to me. I got lucky this time.

I'm at work now kind of on "a break." I'm the only non-vegan in the office. I'm horribly discriminated against...just kidding. But after doing research and being around reassuring vegan doctors and supporters, I'm most likely going to convert. I'll miss cheesecake, but I'm sure there's an awesome vegan recipe somewhere in our books or online.

Well, until something else exciting happens to me, I'm out.

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